Biosecurity Authority of Fiji (BAF)

Movement facilitation of Bee hives, nucleus colonies, queen bees and used bee equipment within Fiji – BAF Standard Operating Procedure and Guideline – 20 September 2023

As of 20th September 2023, there is a new Biosecurity Authority of Fiji – BAF Standard Operating Procedure and Guideline about the Movement facilitation of Bee hives, nucleus colonies, queen bees and used bee equipment within Fiji.

BAF Standard Operating Procedure and Guideline

Title: Movement facilitation of Bee hives, nucleus colonies, queen bees and used bee equipment within Fiji 

Date 20 September 2023�

1. Applying for movement facilitation

1.1. If a beekeeper intends to move a bee hive, nucleus colonies, and/or used bee-keeping equipment within Fiji, he/she must fill in an application form and lodge the same at any Biosecurity Authority of Fiji (BAF) locality at least 10 consecutive days before the intended movement.

1.2. The Authority will assess the movement application subject in line with the guidelines and notes below.

1.3. The Authority will advise the beekeeper of whether a movement certificate has been granted or not.

2. Guidelines – AFB status

2_1. Movement of honey frames for extraction:

21.1. A movement certificate from the Authority is not required for the movement of a bee frame within 4 km from the hive for extraction purposes. Beekeepers must observe precautions to avoid contamination of frosts during extraction and to also avoid transferring extracted frames with other hives and apiaries.

2.12 For movement of the frame for more than 4km, there is a need to ascertain the disease state of the hives. A movement certificate will be needed for this movement.

2.2. Movement of beehives, nucleus colonies, queen bees, and used beekeeping equipment in Fiji

2.2.1. The BAF may facilitate the movement of Beehives and nucleus colonies based on the AFB status of the apiaries and apiary must be cleared for AFB by BAF. – If the last three consecutive tsst results for AFB are negative then the movement will be facilitated with a movement certificate. lf, however, the apiary is tested positive for one of last three tests for AFB, then the apiary must obtain clear status for AFB with negative results from three consecutive tests.

2.2.2. The test results are valid for 30 days. If the last testing was done more than 30 days from the date of request for a movement, then hive/apiary must be tested and obtain negative test results before granting movement.

2.2.3. Used beekeeping equipment, beeswax that has been melted and processed into ‘cakes’ or beeswax products for sale, pollen, and extracted honey for commercial purposes will be facilitated without a movement certificate from BAF.

2.2.4. Queen bees with worker bees/package bees (maximum of 10 worker bees) from a AFB cleared apiaries will be facilitated without a movement certificate. However, the apiary or the breeding sites should be continuously monitored by the BAF apiculture surveillance team. If an apiary is tested positive for AFB then queen bee movement will only be facilitated mice the apiary obtained the AFB clear status after consecutive three negative tests.

3. Guidelines- Varroa Mite Status

3.1. Movement clearance, certificate issuance does not consider the varroa mite

Apiculture Movement Application form – April 2021