Fiji Beekeepers Association Wins At PIFON’s 2023 Pacific Agriculture Knowledge Fair

Fiji’s beekeepers have good cause to be proud this week as Karen Mills won 2nd Place in PIFON’s 2023 Pacific Agriculture Knowledge Fair category for Farmer Guides for the Value-added Bee Products Manuals that she and Anneliese Austin created.

There were over 50 entries in that category.

Karen is an FBA-certified beekeeping instructor and teaches workshops on how to make value-added bee products.

Also, FBA won 2nd Place in the Websites and Social Media category for FBA’s Facebook group.

It was widely recognized for its success as a knowledge sharing tool for Fijian beekeepers.

Everyone who posts in this group about their beekeeping, asking and answering good questions, and giving tips, shares in this win.

Thank you, everyone!!