Fiji Beekeepers Association is an organization representing all beekeepers in Fiji. We first organized in 1998.
Objectives, from our constitution:
2.2.1 To act as a national body to represent Fiji beekeepers.
2.2.2 To improve the beekeeping industry in Fiji and conditions prevailing in the industry.
2.2.3 To promote the economic and other interests of beekeepers in Fiji.
2.2.4 To promote the production and marketing of honey and the related by-products of the beekeeping industry.
2.2.5 To initiate, adopt and pursue policies designed to further in any way the interest and wellbeing of those engaged in the beekeeping industry in Fiji.
2.2.6 To carry out negotiations with the Government or other authorities on any topic or development likely to affect the interests and welfare of those engaged in the beekeeping industry.
2.2.7 To do all such other things as may be incidental or conducive to the attainment of any of the foregoing objects or the exercise of any of the foregoing powers.