Week 2 -September 2020 – Stuart’s first real check of his hive

So we removed a colony from a wall in Samabula, Suva 2 weeks ago (you can see the video here), and rehoused them in Stuart’s backyard in Lami, Suva, FIJI.

They have now had 2 weeks to settle in and start their new life and hive, so it was time to check them out. We fed them about 2 kg of dry sugar, and Stuart has been feeding them with sugar syrup about once every 5 days or so, to ensure they had enough food to give them a good head start.

All looked well, although we did not see the queen, there was fresh 1 day and 3 day old eggs, indicating she was there and working.

So we gave them another jar of sugar syrup, and left them to it 🙂