Merelita Yabakivou’s inspiring journey as a bee farmer in Tavua

Sweet success: Merelita’s inspiring bee-keeping journey

Beekeeping is more than just harvesting honey—it’s an intricate blend of art and science, requiring a deep understanding of bee behaviour and lifecycles.

This reality is at the heart of Merelita Yabakivou’s inspiring journey as a bee farmer in Tavua.

Merelita Yabakivou’s inspiring journey as a bee farmer in Tavua
Merelita Yabakivou’s inspiring journey as a bee farmer in Tavua

Ms Yabakivou’s story is one of resilience and determination. In 2015, she received a grant of $1,000 worth of materials from the then Ministry of Commerce, Trade, Tourism, and Transport (MCTTT) to launch her beekeeping venture.

“The Government’s support gave me the start I needed to turn my dream into reality. This assistance was part of the Fiji Government’s commitment to empowering small businesses, particularly in rural areas,” she said.

The turning point in her life came when she lost her job with the Ministry of Health because she was not vaccinated during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Losing my job was devastating but it allowed me to look for a new path, and that’s when I decided to move into beekeeping.”

Beekeeping, with its low start-up costs, environmental benefits, and potential for high returns, has become a focus for rural empowerment.

To sustain her hives, Ms Yabakivou shared the importance of healthy bee colonies, which require access to nectar-rich plants.

“It’s essential to create an environment where bees can thrive, to achieve this, we need to cultivate flowers and crops that benefit pollinators, aligning her practices with Fiji’s emphasis on environmental sustainability.”

Her determination extended beyond personal effort as she joined a cluster of local farmers who meet regularly to share insights, address challenges, and improve their ventures.

Merelita Yabakivou’s inspiring journey as a bee farmer in Tavua
Merelita Yabakivou’s inspiring journey as a bee farmer in Tavua

“These meetings are invaluable; we exchange ideas on boosting honey yields, maintaining hive health, and adapting to market demands. It’s a supportive network that helps all of us grow.”

Today, Ms Yabakivou not only supplies honey to her local community but also fulfils international orders.

“The demand for my honey has been overwhelming—it’s a reflection of the care and dedication I put into every jar,” she says proudly.

The Government continues to champion beekeeping as part of its agricultural diversification strategy.

(Sourced: Fiji Government)

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