
FBA Beekeeping Training Events Suspended Due To COVID-19 – June 2021

All FBA beekeeper training events are now ‘on hold’ due to COVID-19 virus risks. Classes will resume when it is safe to do so, and government travel and gathering restrictions have been relaxed.

In the meantime, new and prospective beekeepers have several ways to improve their beekeeping knowledge and skills:

  • Find a local beekeeper and ask to join them when they work their bees. It is an opportunity to be introduced to bees with individual attention and to have many questions answered.
  • Internet websites. There are many good websites and videos that can help new beekeepers. For example, search for “how to inspect a bee hive
  • There are some good e-books available in PDF format on the internet. Here is one of the better ones:

FBA is also seeking funding to allow instructors to deliver more classes away from their home venues later this year.

When training resumes, FBA or individual instructors, at their option, may require participants to have been Covid-19 vaccinated to minimize risk of spreading the disease.

FBA’s quality-certified instructors

Persons seeking training may choose to contact of of FBA’s quality-certified instructors to express your interest in training and to get on their ‘wait-list.’

Posted by John Caldeira on

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